Indian Team will have a Pakistan name written on ICC Champions Trophy Shirt says ICC


The world first landed on the moon, and now it's set up camp on Mars. And the BCCI? They're just trying to become permanent residents of the underworld. So, the BCCI has said it’s not mandatory for the host nation’s name to be on the Champions Trophy. It's just a custom, not a tradition or a requirement. What a joke! Honestly, the way your cricket has improved, your morality is just plummeting—it's in free fall.

"Hey man, just settle down already! You're acting like one of those dancers who does a little move here and then goes over there, warming up someone's lap. It’s confusing for someone like me! One minute there was a dancer in this corner, and now suddenly they’re a lab dancer? Just pick a spot! The ICC folks said it’s mandatory to write down the host nation’s name under the tournament details. Whenever you host an ICC tournament, it should clearly show the host nation’s name, not just have it flying off the podium!"

"Pakistan is sounding pretty good right now, right? Even on the podium, they didn't mention Pakistan's name. So it was all about you guys, and they don't even know how to spell Pakistan! All those so-called painters and podium makers, their computers don’t even know that it’s P-A-K-I-S-T-A-N, not T-A-N. Anyway, I’m just a bit annoyed. But seriously, not even their computers recognize Pakistan? Come on, man, think about the 1.4 billion people here!"

Why do you guys embarrass people for no reason? Those poor guys are just trying to explain themselves, saying, "Hey, we have nothing to do with those ideas." They end up getting roasted for free. I'm pretty sure Jitendra, whom I know, is probably cursing you guys out to the grocery store folks, saying, "What kind of joke is this?" First, they don’t even write their names on the podium, and then they don’t even show up, hiding behind security. Plus, there's no one related to our matches who can back us up during the semifinals either.

"Hey man, just chill. Just because you have a few extra coins doesn’t mean you can act like you own the place. You’re not some movie star just because you’ve got a bit of cash in your pocket. If you like a girl from the village, go for it, but don't think it works that way. Relax! They said they’re not going to enforce it; it’s not mandatory, it’s just a guideline. If you don’t write it down, no big deal. So-and-so jumped in the middle and said it’s mandatory that for any ICC event..."

If that’s the host nation’s name, then Team India’s jersey will have the host nation’s name on it too, right? Pakistan, come on, what’s going on with you guys? Let me tell you, the world has been put on the right track, and you’ve become the big shots in your area. You’re just hanging around, so be grateful that you’ve got some good talent in cricket and that your game has improved a bit. That’s why I’m saying, it’s not just about political figures sitting in these places; don’t even guide these grocery folks. Don’t send them anywhere from there.

"Send them down south somewhere, like Bihar or UP, but don’t let them know the BCCI headquarters is this way. Just shift it out of India, man. These political figures keep meddling, and that’s what’s happening. Plus, check out the Indian media; they’re spreading wrong news about PCB, saying we’ve talked to them. The PCB folks are saying, ‘Dude, our phone lines have been down since morning. We haven’t received any calls, and we can’t even make calls ourselves, so how are we supposed to chat?’ What kind of crazy fast service is this?"

So, the jet flew in from over there and landed in Lahore. The guy stuck a mic in my face and asked a question, then took off after totally spending half an hour just messing around. It’s such nonsense! The Champions Trophy is happening, and guess what? Pakistan’s name is going to be right under the logo. The ICC made it clear, they’ve asserted their authority now. If the BCCI wants to stick to their own rules and be stubborn, that’s up to them. Plain and simple. Now it all comes down to whether the ICC is the bigger authority or the BCCI is. Got it?

 But then you do it twice, and someone’s like, 'Dude, don’t do that again.' Then you go and do it a third, fourth, fifth time, and it feels like a marathon! Just cut it out, man. There’s got to be some rules or a way to do things. Now we’ll have to see when these kids are final, if under Team India’s jersey they’ve got Pakistan’s name written, or if it’s just for the ICC Champions Trophy. That’ll be an interesting situation!"

"Apparently, the ICC has said that something will be created, so let's see how far the BCCI goes with this. They might just say they can't do it because the government isn't on board. You know how it is; the government folks are all caught up in their own issues. They just end up dumping everything on us. Anyway, let’s see what happens. That’s all for this video. Take care, and by the way, the ICC also mentioned that if the host nation isn’t on board, like the BCCI says it's not mandatory and just a custom, then... well, we’ll see."

The ICC says that if the host nation can't hold the tournament for any reason and one team doesn't show up, all teams might not come. If that happens and the tournament gets moved, the host nation's name stays the same. It won't say Dubai or UAE on the jersey; it'll still say Pakistan.

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